zaterdag 25 juni 2011

Falcon T - The Aftermath © original haiku 2011

Eventhough this looks like one large poem, and the verses seem coherent with eachother, they are only so because i put them in that order..

Getting back my work
manuscript in envelop
the rejection hurts

a tiny post-it
said some things some nice some not
not meant for my eyes

I did not read it
after they had sent it back
all pages were blank

I'm writing fresh now
a page has been turned around
I have no more past

my eyes wide open
it's just a matter of speech
I look and I see

4 opmerkingen:

  1. I like what you've done here. An interesting format, and I think it works!The subject and your thoguhts on it are well done also! Terrific work!

  2. welcome to poets rally.

    lovely story.
    enjoyed the imagery..

  3. Great job, I've started fresh too collecting poem for a book I dream of publishing someday. I really enjoyed this =) Good luck to you!

  4. amazing Haiku.

    Invite you to write for week 5 challenge,
    Hope all is well.
    Thanks for the attention.
    Appreciate your input.
